Snow and Ice Removal: The City of International Falls wants to remind all citizens of our community that the Public Works Department, the gas company and the Post Office employee’s need our help in keeping driveways and sidewalks clear of ice and snow. Please do your part to keep our employee’s safe in serving you. If you contract to have your snow removed, please remember that the City requires all companies that plow snow for a fee to have a license.
As a reminder, City ordinances in effect for many years require that the property owner or tenant remove all snow and ice from public sidewalks within 24 hours after it has stopped falling. Sidewalks clear of snow are important for everyone’s safe use, especially so our children have a safe walking area to and from school. If citizens do not remove the snow after a snowfall, then the City may remove the snow at the expense of the property owner.
We look forward to your voluntary cooperation in this effort. Please do your part to help your neighbor and our crews keep our streets, alleys, and sidewalks clear of unsafe snow and ice – thank you!
Calendar Parking: The City of International Falls reminds everyone that parking on City streets is regulated and changes each day in accordance with the posted signs. These calendar parking restrictions are in place throughout the year for public safety and maintenance purposes.
Parking is allowed:
- On the side of the street with even-numbered street addresses on even-numbered calendar dates.
- On the side of the street with odd numbered street addresses on odd-numbered calendar dates.
- During the hours of change from 6:00 p.m. to 12:00 midnight each day. Between these hours, no vehicle shall be in violation of the ordinance and no tickets will be issued.
All streets and avenues where calendar parking is in effect shall have signs posted. If you do not see any signs posted, then the calendar parking restrictions do not apply. Thank you for your cooperation. Best wishes for a safe holiday season!