August 10, 2020 Special City Council Meeting Minutes


August 10, 2020 Special City Council Meeting Minutes

5:30 P.M.


A special meeting of the City Council of the City of International Falls, Minnesota was held in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building and via Zoom Conferencing on the 10th day of August, 2020 at the hour of 5:34 P.M.


MEMBERS PRESENT:      Councilors Buller, Ditsch and Mayor Droba.    

                    Media and public via Zoom Conferencing. All members noted they could hear the others and the discussion.

MEMBERS ABSENT:      Councilors Krause (injury) and Nelson (resignation).



ACCEPTED Vacation Committee report pertaining to the petition from Northern Border Investment, LLC vacation of the alley, on Block Four (4), Franson’s Addition to Koochiching, of the City of International Falls

Mayor Droba explained Vacation Commissioners Ronna MacKay, Len Peterson and Cyndy Strand (disinterested freeholders) met at the site at 9:00 a.m. on August 10, 2020 to view and ascertain the amount of damages and compensation to be paid for vacation of the alley, on Block Four (4), Franson’s Addition to Koochiching, in the City of International Falls. Purpose of the City Council meeting is to accept the vacation report for the alley as outlined by the Vacation Commission. The Council cannot act on the report for seven (7) days. Vacation of the alley will be acted upon at the August 17, 2020 City Council Meeting.


Cyndy Strand spoke on behalf of the Vacation Commission explaining they met at the site at 9:00 a.m. and then at 10:00 a.m. in the City Council Chambers to take public testimony, evidence, and proof from all interested parties.


The Vacation Commission submitted their report on the vacation of the alley as described: The 18 ft. wide alley lying adjacent to the west line of Block 4, plat of Franson’s Addition to Koochiching, according to the recorded plat thereof, lying southernly of the westerly prolongation of the north line of Lot 1, said Block 4, and lying northerly of the westerly prolongation of the south line of Lot 16, said Block 4.


Cyndy explained after consideration of comparable sales of Tim Horton’s lot in 2016 and the lot next to Sammy’s in 2017 the Vacation Commission finds that the property comprising the alley to be vacated has a value of $31,622 based on the rate of $5.76/sq. ft., for the 5490 sq. ft. requested to be vacated by Northern Border Investment.


MOTION by Councilor Ditsch to accept receipt of the Vacation Committee report pertaining to the petition from Northern Border Investment, LLC vacation of the alley, on Block Four (4), Franson’s Addition to Koochiching, of the City of International Falls. Motion seconded by Councilor Buller.


In discussion, Mayor Droba recognized Andrew Piekarski who asked if anyone from the public could purchase the property described in the vacation of the alley. Mayor Droba explained that only Northern Border Investments could have an interest in the property. (Since they submitted the petition for the alley vacation which, if approved, reverts to the adjacent land owners).


Jared Baldwin from Northern Border Investments questioned the value submitted of the vacated alley property. Len Peterson explained they used Fair Market Value. Fair Market Value is the price for which you could sell the property to a willing buyer by comparing the prices others have paid for something comparable. True Value is determined by an appraisal along with comparable sales in the area. The commission had limited sales value in the area to use as comparison for the property.


Motion carried 3-0.



Mayor Droba adjourned the meeting at 5:50 P.M.



Harley Droba, Mayor



Kenneth R. Anderson, City Administrator

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