August 31, 2020 Special City Council Meeting Minutes


August 31, 2020 Special City Council Meeting Minutes

3:00 P.M.


A special meeting of the City Council of the City of International Falls, Minnesota was held in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building and via Zoom Conferencing on the 31st day of August, 2020 at the hour of 3:00 P.M.


MEMBERS PRESENT:      Councilors Briggs, Buller, Ditsch and Mayor Droba.    

                    Councilor Krause, media and public via Zoom Conferencing. The meeting start of business was delayed due to audio difficulties, but all members noted they could hear the others and the discussion with a speaker phone connection.



APPROVED Resolution No. 76-20 Approving and Authorizing Signatures for two International Falls-Koochiching County Airport Commission 2020 Federal Grant Agreement(s) to Reconstruct Runway 13/31, Phase 3A and Phase 3B

MOTION by Councilor Briggs approving Resolution No. 76-20 approving and authorizing signatures for two International Falls-Koochiching County Airport Commission 2020 Federal Grant Agreement(s) to Reconstruct Runway 13/31, Phase 3A and Phase 3B. Motion seconded by Councilor Buller. Motion passed 4-0-1 with Councilors Briggs, Buller, Ditsch, and Mayor Droba voting ‘yea’ and Councilor Krause abstaining. Councilor Krause stated he would be abstaining due to the medication he was taking for his broken leg.


APPROVED Resolution No. 77-20 to Confirm Vacation Commission Report and Order and Declare Vacation of Alley in Block 4, Franson’s Addition, subject to Drainage and Utility Easement in order to reserve a drainage and utility easement in the previously approved resolution to vacate

City Administrator Anderson shared the request from City Attorney Shermoen to redraft Resolution 72-20 to include Reserving unto the City of International Falls a drainage and utility easement and the right of ingress, egress, and the continued existence, use, maintenance, repair, removal, enlargement, and replacement of all sewer and water lines of the City and also all gas mains and lines, electric cables, and communication cables, and lines now or hereafter to be located in said Alley, whether now or hereafter owned by the City or a public utility maintained and operated in the City under franchise or permission granted by the City. Also, to add Holiday Stationstores, LLC to the Development Agreement.


MOTION by Councilor Ditsch approving Resolution No. 77-20 to Confirm Vacation Commission Report and Order and Declare Vacation of Alley in Block 4, Franson’s Addition, subject to Drainage and Utility Easement in order to reserve a drainage and utility easement in the previously approved resolution to vacate. Motion seconded by Councilor Briggs. Motion passed 4-0-1 with Councilors Briggs, Buller, Ditsch, and Mayor Droba voting ‘yea’ and Councilor Krause abstaining.


APPROVED revised Development Agreement between Northern Border Investment, LLC, adding Holiday Stationstores, LLC, and the City of International Falls and authorize signatures

City Administrator Anderson shared that he contacted Dave Edquist of Holiday Stationstores, LLC and informed him that the City Attorney suggested the company be added to the Development Agreement. Obligations will need to be listed separately between Northern Border Investments, LLC and Holiday Stationstores, LLC with signatures. He is waiting to hear back from Mr. Edquist.


MOTION by Councilor Briggs approving revised Development Agreement between Northern Border Investment, LLC, adding Holiday Stationstores, LLC, and the City of International Falls and authorize signatures subject to legal counsel review and approval of any changes that may be necessary. Motion seconded by Councilor Buller. Motion passed 4-0-1 with Councilors Briggs, Buller, Ditsch, and Mayor Droba voting ‘yea’ and Councilor Krause abstaining.


Convene Closed Meeting

MOTION by Councilor Ditsch to recess the open meeting and move to closed meeting to develop or consider offers for the purchase or sale of real or personal property. Motion seconded by Councilor Briggs and carried unanimously.




MOTION by Councilor Briggs to adjourn the closed session at 3:59 P.M. and reconvene the open session of the City Council special meeting. Motion seconded by Councilor Buller and carried unanimously.



Mayor Droba adjourned the meeting at 4:00 P.M.




Harley M. Droba, Mayor




Kenneth R. Anderson, City Administrator

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