March 15, 2021 City Council Minutes

A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of International Falls, Minnesota was held in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building on the 15th day of March, 2021 at the hour of 5:30 P.M.

MEMBERS PRESENT:       Councilors Buller, Ditsch, Holden, Krause and Mayor Droba.

Media and public via BlueJeans Conferencing.  All members noted they could hear the others and the discussion.

MEMBERS ABSENT:         None.

APPROVED agenda with addition and deletion MOTION by Councilor Holden to approve the agenda with one addition and one deletion as presented:

·         Addition – Approve Human Resources Committee recommendations.

·         Deletion – Removed Chapter 10, Sec 52 from the first reading to repeal sections from the Code of Ordinances.

Motion seconded by Councilor Ditsch and carried unanimously.

APPROVED minutes of the March 1, 2021 regular City Council meeting MOTION by Councilor Buller to approve minutes of the March 1, 2021 regular City Council meeting.  Motion seconded by Councilor Krause and carried unanimously.
ADOPTED Resolution No. 17-2021 approving transfers, payment of claims, and accounts payable MOTION by Councilor Krause to adopt Resolution No. 17-2021 approving transfers, payment of claims and accounts payable for the second monthly City Council meeting.  Motion seconded by Councilor Ditsch and carried unanimously.


A. W. Kuettel & Sons, Inc Steam to HW at Library        360.00 70616
Adele Strandberg Acct Deposit Refund          12.00 70617
All Season Equipment Inc Tires-Str/Pol/Amb, Shovels, Sthil Parts     1,232.91 70618
Amazon Capital Services Supplies – IT/Police/Ambulance        174.05 70619
AmeriPride Services Cleaning Service        944.50 70620
Andrew Holler Lawn Cleanup        411.00 70621
ATCO International Supplies – Street Garage        113.00 70622
Auto Value Int’l Falls Parts – Water Dept.          58.95 70623
Bound Tree Medical LLC Ambulance Supplies        784.64 70624
Brian Youso Police Benefit        150.00 70625
Bureau of Crim Apprehension Annual CJDN Remote Access        780.00 70626
Cenex Voyaguer Fleet Gas – Grnds/Pol/Amb/Str/Gar/Wtr/Hou     2,830.84 70627
Chocolate Moose Restaurant Co Crew Meals        201.48 70628
City of Int’l Falls – Fund 401 Water/Sewer Funds Transfer   66,666.66 70629
City of Int’l Falls – Fund 403 Water/Sewer Funds Transfer   25,760.42 70630
City of Ranier Water – City Beach          11.00 70631
CMS Medicare Ambulance Overpayment Refund        406.74 70632
Core & Main M&R – Water, Hydrant Meter Assembly     1,433.87 70633
Dan Sweney Travel Expense          35.00 70634
Emergency Automotive Tech Inc Gun Locks        162.62 70635
Entenmann-Rovin Co Officer Badge 212 (2)        243.00 70636
Epic Threads Clothing Allowance – Mannausau          40.00 70637
Expert T Billing Ambulance Transports     3,480.00 70638
Forestland Sales & Service Parts – VNP, Car Wash – Police        892.89 70639
Friend’s Garbage Service LLC Monthly Garbage Service     1,740.96 70640
Frontier Monthly Telephone Service     2,552.66 70641
Galls, an Aramark Co., LLC Clothing – Franko/Fire        514.47 70642
Gopher State One – Call Monthly Billing            8.10 70643
Guardian Fleet Safety 2020 Ford Interceptor Equip – Unit 2004   12,864.55 70644
Hawkins Inc Chemicals     1,256.97 70645
Howards – Cenex LLC Gas – Street Garage          29.74 70646
Innovative Office Solutions LLC Supplies – Admin/Police/Housing        337.34 70647
John Reller 2021 Jr High Coach     1,200.00 70648
John Salo 2021 C” Boys Basketball”     1,200.00 70649
K & K Meyers Inc Door Repairs – City Hall        100.00 70650
Kantor Electric Inc Electrical Supplies        146.88 70651
Koerter’s Amoco Gas-Str/Gar/St Light/Strm Sew/Wtr/Sew     1,984.89 70652
Lawson Products Inc Supplies – Building Official        236.12 70653
Leon Ditsch 2021 Council Exp. Reimbursement        700.00 70654
LMC Insurance Trust – Liability Annual Liability and Auto Insurance 172,910.00 70655
LMC Insurance Trust – WC Hell Deductible        132.54 70656
LVC Inc VNP Fire Alarm Cell. Monitor Upgrade     1,504.00 70657
Maddy Olson 2021 Jr High Girls Basketball     1,200.00 70658
Mark Leblanc Crew Meals          27.44 70659
Melanie Clarity Sew-Maish/Sears/Gedde/Bombenger          34.00 70660
Menards International Falls Sup/Tools-VNP/Str/Grnds/Strm Sew/GGB        594.91 70661
Mershon Technology Interests HP Laptop        729.00 70662
Michael Musich Police Benefit        150.00 70663
Midcontinent Communications Internet – Water Plant/Street Garage        378.63 70664
Minnesota Energy Resources Utilities     4,458.33 70665
Minnesota Industries Safety Equip – Water            5.25 70666
Minnesota Power Utilities   31,911.89 70667
MN Pollution Control Agency Solid Waste Operator – T Brokaw          15.00 70668
N Kooch Area Sanitary District Effluent/Backwash/Surcharge   69,239.25 70669
Napa Falls Supply Parts/Sup/Tools/Lube – Str/Wtr/Vactor     1,146.16 70670
Northern Lumber & Hardware Liftmaster Oper, Tools/Sup – Fire/Gar/St     4,103.25 70671
Northland Securities Inc Tax Abatement-IF Properties/Cobblestone     2,902.50 70672
Office of MNIT Services Wide Area Network(Wan) Services        260.00 70673
O’Reilly Automotive Inc Part/Lube/Sup – Str/Vac/Wtr/Pol/Gar/Amb     1,575.45 70674
Pitney Bowes Qtrly Lease-Inserting & Mailing System        691.14 70675
Praxair Distribution Inc Oxygen – Ambulance        915.24 70676
R & L Carriers Supplies – Street Lighting        121.43 70677
Rainy Lake Medical Center Pharmaceutical Supplies        898.01 70678
Range Paper Corp Supplies – VNP/Buildings/Street/Garage     2,078.60 70679
Rhory Gelo Travel Expense        116.20 70680
Streicher’s Inc Clothing – Police/Stevens/Kennedy     1,571.48 70681
Terry Christie Police Benefit        150.00 70682
Terry Wood Police Benefit        150.00 70683
The Journal Agendas/Minutes/RFP/RFQ/Local Streets     2,610.82 70684
The Outdoorsman’s Headquarters Ammo     1,179.98 70685
Tom Lynch Police Benefit        150.00 70686
UHL Company Inc Bldg Maint – VNP/Garage     4,270.41 70687
Van Iwaarden Associates GASB 75 12/31/2020     3,200.00 70688
Verizon Wireless Housing        187.95 70689
Viking Electric Supply Inc Maint – Park/Rec, Tools-Storm Sew        596.49 70690
Widseth Engineering Services     3,127.00 70691
Willi Kostiuk Police Benefit        150.00 70692
Wyatt Boyum Firefighter I Testing – Per Diem          35.00 70693
MN Department of Transportation Re-Issue Ck#69992 12/08/2020        414.36 70694
Chamber of Commerce 2021 Contract Agreement   12,474.00 70719
  The following checks were issued under blanket authorization:
AFLAC Supplemental Insurance 225.04 100897
AllState – American Heritage Supplemental Insurance 9.64 100898
Bremer Bank NA Federal Withholding 40,040.71 100899
I.U.O.E. Local Central Pension Fund Retirement 4,298.10 100900
City of Int’l Falls HRA – Police/Fire 546.00 100901
City of Int’l Falls Health Insurance – 49ers 454.00 100902
  IAMAW District W33 Union Dues 1,744.50 100903
IF Fire Dept. Relief Volunteer Firemen Dues 350.00 100904
Intl Falls Ambulance Service Dues 168.00 100905
  I.U.O.E. Local 49ers Health Reimbursement 875.00 100906
  Int’l Operating Engineers 49ers Union Dues 700.00 100907
Justin Franz, Sec/Treas C.O.P.S. 120.00 100908
MN Child Support Payment Center Wage Assignment 601.46 100909
MN Department of Revenue State Withholding 7,444.88 100910
Empower Retirement Deferred Comp 7,725.00 100911
PERA Life Insurance 128.00 100912
North Kooch Area Sanitary Dist Health Insurance 675.00 100913
PERA Retirement 33,320.17 100884


CONSENT AGENDA: APPROVED as presented MOTION by Councilor Ditsch to approve the Consent Agenda as presented:

  1. Approve 2021 license renewals, as presented
  • Oh 4 Sweet Catering – itinerant restaurant license

Motion seconded by Councilor Buller and carried unanimously.


INFORMATIONAL – County Assessor Open Book meeting

Mayor Droba shared the County Assessor Open Book meeting will be held on Wednesday May 19, 2021 from 9:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M (Noon) at the County Assessor’s office, 715 4th St., for informal appeal for taxpayers to discuss their property assessment/valuation.
APPROVED re-appointment of Ted Brokaw, Director of Public Works to the Northeast Minnesota Area Transportation Partnership (NEMNATP) and Mike Wallace, Public Works Supervisor as an alternate MOTION by Councilor Buller to approve re-appointment of Ted Brokaw, Director of Public Works to the Northeast Minnesota Area Transportation Partnership (NEMNATP) and Mike Wallace, Public Works Supervisor as an alternate.  Motion seconded by Councilor Krause and carried unanimously.
ADOPTED Resolution 18-2021 approving exempt permit for Falls Memorial Hospital Foundation Inc., dba Rainy Lake Medical Center Foundation to conduct a raffle at 1400 Hwy 71 on August 20, 2021 Interim City Administrator Bergstrom stated Rainy Lake Medical Center Foundation is unable to conduct the raffle as previously scheduled on September 1, 2021 and is requesting changing the date to August 20, 2021.

MOTION by Councilor Holden to adopt Resolution No. 18-2021 approving the Falls Memorial Hospital Foundation Inc., dba Rainy Lake Medical Center Foundation application for an exempt permit to sell raffle tickets, with the drawing to be held August 20, 2021 at Rainy Lake Medical Center, 1400 Highway 71, International Falls.  Motion seconded by Councilor Krause and carried unanimously.

APPROVED applying for USDA Facilities Grant in partnership with Koochiching County  Public Works Director Brokaw requested approval to partner with Koochiching County and KEDA to apply for the Community Facilities Technical Assistance and Training Grant.  The grant will assist communities with long term needs such as upgrades to the LEC/Sheriff’s department, Kerry Park, and any new facilities.  Grant application would be completed by KEDA on behalf of the County and the City.  The grant application is due at the end of the week.

MOTION by Councilor Krause to approve applying for USDA Facilities Grant in partnership with Koochiching County.  Motion seconded by Councilor Buller and carried unanimously.

Human Resource Committee recommendation:
a.      APPROVED the one-year Labor Agreement and Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on pay for members planning and negotiating the contracts between the City of International Falls and the IAMAW District Lodge 5, Woodworkers Local W33, IAMAW Union for the Police Department, January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021 Joe Schwartz stated he presented the labor agreement and Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on pay for members planning and negotiating the contracts to the police department.  The police department members approved the labor agreement and MOU, however, they denied an MOU related to Sick Leave Accural at Retirement.

MOTION by Councilor Ditsch to approve the one-year Labor Agreement and Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on pay for members planning and negotiating the contracts between the City of International Falls and the IAMAW District Lodge 5, Woodworkers Local W33, IAMAW Union for the Police Department, January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021.  Motion seconded by Councilor Holden and carried unanimously.

Committee-of-the-Whole recommendations:  
a.   APPROVED the revised 2021 contract for services between the City of International Falls and the International Falls Area Chamber of Commerce effective January 1, 2021 MOTION by Councilor Krause to approve the revised 2021 contract for services between the City of International Falls and the International Falls Area Chamber of Commerce effective January 1, 2021.  Motion seconded by Councilor Ditsch and carried unanimously.

Mayor Droba thanked Tricia Heibel for the work done on the contract.  Mayor Droba stated the contract opens the door to different possibilities and services they can offer.  Tricia Heibel thanked Mayor Droba for working together and completing the contact.

b.   APPROVED the revised Lease Agreement between the City of International Falls and the International Falls Area Chamber of Commerce effective January 1, 2021  Mayor Droba shared that the City had given the Chamber of Commerce the option to purchase the building as the City is trying to get out of renting property.  They agreed upon a five year lease agreement with an out clause that requires 30 days’ notice.

MOTION by Councilor Buller to approve the revised Lease Agreement between the City of International Falls and the International Falls Area Chamber of Commerce effective January 1, 2021 and all rental payments paid in 2021 will be refunded to the Chamber of Commerce.  Motion seconded by Councilor Krause and carried unanimously.

c.   APPROVED revised City Administrator Job Description Mayor Droba shared that the Committee suggested removing the following two responsibilities from the current City Administrator Job Description:

  • Act as Human Resource manager, develop and update personnel policies that will further goals of the city council and generally improve the quality of city administration.
  • Serve as part of the negotiation team to negotiate the terms of employee labor contracts for presentation to the council.

MOTION by Councilor Ditsch to approve the revised City Administrator Job Description.  Motion seconded by Councilor Holden and carried unanimously.

Discussion on filling the vacant City Administrator position














d.   DENIED Internal Promotion for hiring a City Administrator


APPROVED Internal Recruitment Process for hiring a City Administrator


APPROVED April 30, 2021 as the deadline to accept applications for the City Administrator position

Mayor Droba explained three different options to fill the vacancy of the City Administrator position.  They are as follows:

·         Internal Promotion

·         Internal Recruitment Process – use city staff to conduct a search

·         Recruitment Process – hiring a firm to conduct a search on the City’s behalf

Councilor Buller stated the City should go through the recruitment process even though they have a qualified person internally.  The citizens of International Falls deserve that and his constituents are requesting that.

Councilor Krause agreed with Councilor Buller that the recruitment process should be done.

Councilor Holden had concerns going with the recruitment process and didn’t want to see it take a year to fill the position like it did last time.  Councilor Holden stated that he prefers the internal promotion.  The position is very important to the city and the Deputy Administrator has worked for the city for the past 20 years.  Councilor Holden stated he wanted to see someone local get the job as they have been putting their money into the community.

Councilor Ditsch agreed with Councilor Holden.  Why waste the money on the recruitment process when an internal employee is more than qualified.  The Recruitment process of hiring a firm could cost between $19,000 and $20,000 and could take months to fill the position.

Mayor Droba felt the internal recruitment process would be the best.

MOTION by Councilor Ditsch to perform an internal promotion to fill the City Administrator position.

Motion seconded by Councilor Holden.  Motion failed 2-3 with Councilors Ditsch and Holden voting ‘yea’ and Councilor Krause, Buller and Mayor Droba voting ‘nay’.

MOTION by Councilor Krause to perform an internal recruitment process to fill the City Administrator position.

Motion seconded by Mayor Droba.  Motion carried 4-1 with Councilors Ditsch, Krause, Buller and Mayor Droba voting ‘yea’ and Councilor Holden voting ‘nay’.

City Attorney Shermoen recommended a deadline be determined to receive applications.

Councilor Krause asked Tricia Heibel about her knowledge of any job banks.  Tricia stated MN DEED, and MN League of Cities have work banks.

MOTION by Councilor Krause approving April 30, 2021 as the last day to accept applications for the City Administrator position.  Motion seconded by Councilor Buller and carried unanimously.

e.  APPROVED the first reading to repeal sections of the Code of Ordinances and replace with the International Property Maintenance Code 2021 MOTION by Councilor Holden to approve the first reading to repeal the following sections of the Code of Ordinances:

  • Chapter 4, Sec. 5 – Building number identification.
  • Chapter 7, Sec. 5 – Regulation of grass, weeds, trees, shrubs, brush, and other rank or harmful vegetation.
  • Chapter 10, Sec. 1 – Storage, deposit, and disposal of refuse.
  • Chapter 10, Sec. 50 – Abandoning a motor vehicle.
  • Chapter 10, Sec. 51 – Prevention, reduction and elimination of blighting factors,
    • Sec. (a) Causes of blight or blighting factors.
  • Chapter 10, Sec. 60 – Grass and weeds on private property.
  • Chapter 10, Sec. 63 – Open stairways.

Removing Sec. 4-20 Housing Code and replacing with the International Property Maintenance Code 2021 with the following insertions:

  • Section 101.1 – Insert: City of International Falls MN
  • Section 103.1 – Insert: City of International Falls Housing Department
  • Section 302.4 – Insert: 6 inches (Grass & Weeds)
  • Section 304.14 – Insert: May 1st till October 31st
  • Sections 602.3 – Insert: October 1st till May 31st (Heat Supply)
  • Section 602.4 – Insert: October 1st till May 31st (Work Space)

Motion seconded by Councilor Krause and carried unanimously.

f.   APPROVED Temporary Structure permit application and fees  Building Official Meyers explained that temporary structures such as car ports and containers need to meet zoning setbacks.  They can only be used for a period of time and cannot be used as permanent structures.  By implementing a permit application and fee it will ensure temporary structures do not remain for an indefinite period of time.

MOTION by Councilor Buller to approve the Temporary Structure permit application and fees.  Motion seconded by Councilor Ditsch and carried unanimously.

g.  APPROVED dissolving the Building and Property Blight Advisory Committee and send letters of appreciation to the committee members  Councilor Ditsch explained with the hiring of the Fire Marshal the committee was no longer needed as those duties would now be done by the Fire Marshal.  The Building and Property Blight Advisory Committee was a temporary committee.

MOTION by Councilor Buller to dissolve the Building and Property Blight Advisory Committee and send letters of appreciation to the committee members.  Motion seconded by Councilor Krause and carried unanimously.

Mayor Droba thanked the committee members for their time and being on the committee.

Public Works recommendation:
a.      APPROVED temporary “no parking” signs on 4th Ave from 4th Street to 11th Street during the Hwy 53 construction/detour


Councilor Buller noted that the Public Works Committee discussed and is recommending placing “no parking” signs on 4th Ave from 4th Street to 11th Street during the Hwy 53 construction/detour due to the narrow road and high traffic.

MOTION by Councilor Buller to approve placing temporary “no parking” signs on 4th Ave from 4th Street to 11th Street during the Hwy 53 construction/detour.  Motion seconded by Councilor Holden and carried unanimously.


Reports of the Administrator, Attorney, and Department Heads

City Attorney Shermoen shared that he has 43 criminal cases scheduled for March 16.  Several of those cases are blight related.  Shermoen stated he is meeting with Fire Marshal Jared Baldwin and Building Official Kelly Meyers to review blight cases every Friday morning. Currently they are addressing several buildings.

City Attorney Shermoen stated he is still continuing negotiations with Stock Tire in regards to purchasing the building.

The Blight written report dated March 12, 2021 was available for review.

The International Falls Police Department February 2021 Activity Report was available for review.

The February 2021 Fire/Rescue/EMS Department written report was available for review.

Reports of Mayor and Council Committees Mayor Droba shared he participated in the potential Ambulance Taxing District task force meeting.  A lot of good questions arose and administration is addressing the questions and concerns that were brought up.
ADJOURNMENT Mayor Droba shared that the next regular City Council meeting is scheduled for Monday, April 5, 2021 at 5:30 P.M.  The Mayor adjourned the meeting at 6:37 P.M.


Harley M. Droba, Mayor



Betty Bergstrom, Interim City Administrator

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