May 3, 2021 City Council Minutes

A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of International Falls, Minnesota was held in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building and via BlueJeans Conferencing on the 3rd day of May, 2021 at the hour of 5:30 P.M.

MEMBERS PRESENT:       Councilors Buller, Ditsch, Holden, Krause, and Mayor Droba.

                                                Media and public via BlueJeans Conferencing.  All members noted they could hear the others and the discussion.

MEMBERS ABSENT:         None.


APPROVED agenda with additions MOTION by Councilor Holden to approve the agenda with additions, as presented:

  • New Business Item – Approve Mayoral Proclamation proclaiming May 2021 as Mental Health Month
  • Reports – Blight Report – Ordinance Violation Chart 2021

Motion seconded by Councilor Buller and carried unanimously.

APPROVED minutes of the April 12, 2021 Committee-of-the-Whole meeting MOTION by Councilor Ditsch to approve minutes of the Committee-of-the-Whole meeting of April 12, 2021.  Motion seconded by Councilor Krause and carried unanimously.
APPROVED minutes of the April 19, 2021 regular City Council meeting MOTION by Councilor Krause to approve minutes of the regular City Council meeting of April 19, 2021.  Motion seconded by Councilor Buller and carried unanimously.
APPROVED minutes of the April 26, 2021 special City Council meeting and Public Hearing MOTION by Councilor Buller to approve minutes of the special City Council meeting and Public Hearing of April 26, 2021.  Motion seconded by Councilor Holden.  Motion passed 4-0-1 with Councilors Buller, Ditsch, Holden, and Mayor Droba voting ‘yea’ and Councilor Krause abstaining.
APPROVED minutes of the April 27, 2021 special City Council meeting and Public Hearing MOTION by Councilor Ditsch to approve minutes of the special City Council meeting and Public Hearing of April 27, 2021.  Motion seconded by Councilor Buller and carried unanimously.
ADOPTED Resolution No. 28-2021 approving transfers, payment of claims, and accounts payable MOTION by Councilor Krause to adopt Resolution No. 28-2021 approving transfers, payment of claims and accounts payable for the first monthly City Council meeting.  Motion seconded by Councilor Buller and carried unanimously.


Amazon Capital Services Sup – IT/Wtr Plnt, Comp Power Cord – Amb     2,620.18 70907
American Water Works Assoc. Membership Dues – Brokaw        221.00 70908
Ameritas Life Ins Corp Dental Insurance Premiums     1,837.16 70909
Andrew Holler Lawn Cleanup/Wage Assignment        298.00 70910
BCBS of MN Health Insurance Premiums     4,343.50 70911
Bear’s Port Town Tire Unit 082 – Tires        714.72 70912
Betty Ronning Reimbursement – ServiceMaster          80.91 70913
Big Fish Print Solutions Boise Carton Paper        447.00 70914
Border Boxes Shipping – Sanitary Sewer          10.75 70915
Borderland Humane Society Pound Operation     2,250.00 70916
Bound Tree Medical LLC Ambulance Supplies        308.90 70917
Bremer Bank NA Safe Deposit Box Rent          20.00 70918
Bremer Cardmember Service Trng-Pol/Fire, Sup-IT/Fire/Haz/Amb/VNP,     6,183.14 70919
Bryan Franko Travel – Meal Allowance          70.00 70920
Cari Rostie Reimbursement – ServiceMaster        202.27 70921
City Directories Admin/Fire/House/Street/Water     1,190.00 70922
City of Int’l Falls – Fund 101 Lodging Tax Transfer        229.36 70923
City Water Department City Buildings – Water Usage     1,150.25 70924
Commercial Refrigeration Sys Kerry Park Arena – Shut Down        545.00 70925
Convention & Visitors Bureau Lodging Tax    4,357.81 70926
Core & Main Highway 53 Water Main Cross   30,209.42 70927
Dan Sweney Travel Expense        192.08 70928
Earl F Andersen Signs        162.35 70929
Emergency Apparatus Maint Inc Repairs Engine City 1 (0402)     1,883.78 70930
Entenmann – Rovin Co Officer Badge        243.00 70931
Graybar Maint & Repair-St Lighting        541.07 70932
Hawkins Inc Chemicals   31,310.78 70933
Holiday Companies Gas-Fire/Str/Amb/Water/San Sewer/Hazmat     3,889.30 70934
Innovative Office Solutions LLC Supplies – Mayor/Council          68.84 70935
Int’l Falls US Post Office Permit #79 Escrow     2,000.00 70936
Int’l Falls/Kooch Cty City Share April 2021 Project Costs     5,474.79 70937
IUOE Local 49 Health Insurance Premiums   29,554.00 70938
Jason Sjoblom Boot Allowance        110.00 70939
Josh Mastin Travel & Training          70.00 70940
Kooch County Auditor/Treasurer Chamber Bldg Property Taxes-1st Half 2021     1,373.00 70941
Kooch County Hwy Dept. Dyed Fuel – Street/Garage     2,527.52 70942
Lake of The Wood County 1st Half Property Tax – Miggins        183.00 70943
Locators & Supplies Supplies – Engineer/Storm/Water/San Sewer        632.83 70944
Madden Galanter Hansen LLP Legal Services          72.00 70945
Marco Antivirus/Microsoft Exchange        546.50 70946
Marco Technologies LLC Contract/Print Copies – Fire/Admin/PW    1,340.98 70947
Mark Leblanc Meal Allowance          10.00 70948
MedicareBlue RX Health Insurance Premiums     1,560.00 70949
Menards International Falls Sup/Tools – Wtr/Str/Strm, M&R Other – Str        299.39 70950
Meyers Glass Door Repair – Fire       180.23 70951
Midcontinent Communications Cable-Fire Hall/Amb, Internet-Wtr Plnt/Gar        524.76 70952
Minnesota Child Support ID 0014487664, Locator Code 27          30.00 70953
Minnesota Energy Resources Utilities     1,559.57 70954
Minnesota Power Opt 1 Lighting, Street Lighting    4,790.60 70955
Minnesota Rural Water Assoc. Hydrant Repair Training (7)    1,050.00 70956
MN Dept. of Labor & Industry Inspection – City Hall          36.00 70957
MN Highway Safety & Research Police Training     1,780.00 70958
ON2 Solutions Maint/Repair – GGB Council Chambers        700.00 70959
Pitney Bowes Reserve Acct Qtrly Lease – Inserting & Mailing System    1,000.00 70960
Range Paper Corp Supplies – VNP/Bldgs     1,075.19 70961
Rhory Gelo Travel Expense – Fire          70.00 70962
Roche’s Towing Towing – Police       170.00 70963
Ronning’s Clothing Allowance – Kennedy/Bounds       113.98 70964
ServiceMaster of Intl Falls Cleaning Serv-1203 12th St/1200 14th Ave       550.17 70965
Soundnorth Monitors/Return Monitor       169.96 70966
Steven M Shermoen Legal Fees     9,932.00 70967
Streicher’s Inc Clothing – Helgeson/Police, Eye Protection        645.86 70968
Sun Life Financial Life Insurance Premiums        448.08 70969
The Nelson Trust Health Insurance Premiums   38,912.00 70970
The Tessman Company Fertilizer – Park/Rec     1,001.81 70971
UHL Company Inc Bldg Maint – Arena/VNP/Garage/City Hall   12,910.47 70972
Verizon Wireless Monthly Cellular Service    1,110.68 70973
Viking Electric Supply Inc Maintenance & Repairs Other – Buildings        121.56 70974
Viking Industrial Center Maintenance – Sanitary Sewer        108.84 70975
Wex Bank Circle K Cards          18.00 70976
Wherley Motors Inc 2020 Ford Explorer – Police    1,524.88 70977
Widseth Engineering Services  86,816.31 70978
Wyatt Boyum Firefighter II Testing – Per Diem          70.00 70979
  The following checks were issued under blanket authorization:
AFLAC Supplemental Insurance 225.04 100953
AllState – American Heritage Supplemental Insurance 9.64 100954
Bremer Bank NA Federal Withholding 62,977.50 100955
I.U.O.E. Local Central Pen Fund Retirement 4,202.70 100956
IF Fire Dept. Relief Volunteer Firemen Dues 350.00 100957
Intl Falls Ambulance Service Dues 168.00 100958
Justin Franz, Sec/Treas C.O.P.S 120.00 100959
MN Child Support Pmt Center Wage Assignment 601.46 100960
MN Department of Revenue State Withholding 11,130.88 100961
Empower Retirement Deferred Comp 34,215.00 100962
PERA Retirement 36,640.48 100963
Sun Life Financial Supplemental Life Insurance 701.90 100964
The Hartford Voluntary LTD Insurance 653.12 100965


APPROVED Cleanup Agreement with Friend’s Recycling LLC City Attorney Shermoen urged the Council to approve a Cleanup Agreement with Friend’s Recycling LLC due to the ongoing blight issues at their properties.  It was noted that there are specific timelines and benchmarks in the agreement that Friends must meet in order to avoid criminal blight prosecution moving forward.  It was noted that the Council wants to work with local businesses acting in good faith, not force them out of business.

MOTION by Councilor Holden to approve a Cleanup Agreement with Friend’s Recycling LLC.  Motion seconded by Councilor Krause and carried unanimously.

CONSENT AGENDA: APPROVED as presented MOTION by Councilor Buller to approve the Consent Agenda as presented:

  1. Approve hiring of 2021 Public Works summer part-time employees as follows:
    • Jack Gilbert, Parker Sivonen, and Holden Sutherland

Motion seconded by Councilor Krause and carried unanimously.


APPROVED professional services agreement for design services from Widseth and construction management services from Kraus Anderson for Kerry Park Revitalization Project

Staff from Widseth and Kraus Anderson were present to brief the Council and public on the Kerry Park Revitalization Masterplan and outline the process moving forward.

MOTION by Councilor Krause to approve the professional services agreement for design services from Widseth and construction management services from Kraus Anderson for the Kerry Park Revitalization Project and authorize signatures on the agreement.  Motion seconded by Councilor Ditsch and carried unanimously.

APPROVED Mayoral Proclamation declaring May 10-14, 2021 as the week for distribution of Buddy Poppies MOTION by Councilor Buller to approve the Mayoral Proclamation declaring May 10-14, 2021 as the week for distribution of Buddy Poppies by the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States (VFW).  Motion seconded by Councilor Holden and carried unanimously.
APPROVED Mayoral Proclamation declaring May 2021 as Mental Health Month MOTION by Councilor Krause to approve the Mayoral Proclamation declaring May 2021 as Mental Health Month.  Motion seconded by Councilor Ditsch and carried unanimously.
APPROVED engineering services from Bolton & Menk for preparing a Water Treatment Plant Asset Management and Capital Improvements Study MOTION by Councilor Buller to approve engineering services from Bolton & Menk for preparing a Water Treatment Plant Asset Management and Capital Improvements Study.  Motion seconded by Councilor Krause and carried unanimously.
APPROVED purchase of condenser for Kerry Park Arena from the City of Champlin for $3,000 Director of Public Works Brokaw explained that the condenser unit at Kerry Park Arena needs to be immediately addressed due to issues with it leaking.  Director Brokaw stressed that with the City undergoing a plan to revitalize Kerry Park, it does not make sense to replace the unit with a new unit at the cost of $15,000-$20,000 when it is possible the City may completely reconstruct the arena.  Director Brokaw recommends replacing the condenser with a used model from the City of Champlin.  MOTION by Councilor Holden to approve the purchase of a condenser for Kerry Park Arena from the City of Champlin for $3,000.  Motion seconded by Councilor Krause and carried unanimously.
APPROVED agreement for contracting athletic director services for the Recreation Commission and authorize signatures MOTION by Councilor Holden to approve the agreement to contract athletic director services for the Recreation Commission and authorize signatures.  Motion seconded by Councilor Ditsch and carried unanimously.
ADOPTED Resolution No. 29-2021 calling for a public hearing on the proposed modification of Development District No. 1 and the establishment of Tax Increment Financing (TIF) District No. 1-4 and the adoption of the Tax Increment Financing plan MOTION by Councilor Holden to adopt Resolution No. 29-2021 calling for a public hearing on the proposed modification of Development District No. 1 and the establishment of Tax Increment Financing (TIF) District No. 1-4 within the development district and the adoption of the modified Development Program and the adoption of the Tax Increment Financing plan related to thereto.  Motion seconded by Councilor Buller and carried unanimously.
ADOPTED Resolution No. 30-2021 approving MnDOT Grant Agreement No. 1046187 for airport improvements excluding land acquisition MOTION by Councilor Buller to adopt Resolution No. 30-2021 approving MnDOT Grant Agreement No. 1046187 for airport improvements excluding land acquisition.  Motion seconded by Councilor Krause and carried unanimously.
ADOPTED Resolution No. 31­-2021 approving application for exempt permit for MN Deer Hunters Association, Trails End Chapter to conduct a raffle, with the drawing to be held on June 28, 2021 at Backus Community Center MOTION by Councilor Holden to adopt Resolution No. 31-2021 approving application for exempt permit for MN Deer Hunters Association, Trails End Chapter to conduct a raffle, with the drawing to be held on June 28, 2021 at Backus Community Center, International Falls.  Motion seconded by Councilor Krause and carried unanimously.
Human Resource committee recommendations:  
a. APPROVED extending 80 hours of paid leave through September 30, 2021, and not to participate in the American Rescue Plan of 2021 MOTION by Councilor Ditsch to approve extending 80 hours of paid leave through September 30, 2021, however not to participate in the American Rescue Plan of 2021- as it is optional and all the guidelines for the plan have not been clarified.  Motion seconded by Councilor Holden and carried unanimously.
b. APPROVED termination of five (5) Emergency Medical Technicians from employment due to inactivity MOTION by Councilor Ditsch to approve terminating the following five (5) Emergency Medical Technicians from employment due to inactivity:

  • Brooke Carlson
  • Mathew Jenkinson
  • Donald Johnson
  • Adrian Luce
  • David Rudolph

Motion seconded by Councilor Holden and carried unanimously.

c. APPROVED wage adjustment for Spare FireFighter Engineers and Casual Paramedics MOTION by Councilor Holden to approve a wage adjustment for the following employees:

  • Kyle Rasmussen – Spare Firefighter Engineer – $24.82 per hour
  • Michele Rasmussen – Casual Paramedic – $24.82 per hour
  • Jacob Harris – Spare Firefighter Engineer – $29.68 per hour

Motion seconded by Councilor Krause and carried unanimously.

d. APPROVED wage increase to $20/hour for Paid On-Call Volunteer FireFighters for training time and fire calls MOTION by Councilor Holden to approve a wage increase to $20.00 per hour for paid on-call volunteer firefighters for training time and fire calls.  Motion seconded by Councilor Krause and carried unanimously.

Reports of the Administrator, Attorney, and Department Heads

Interim City Administrator Bergstrom noted that she has a conference call scheduled for Thursday, May 6, 2021 with Flaherty and Hood to begin the process of the Job Classification and Compensation Study.

City Attorney Shermoen stated that he has 19 criminal blight cases scheduled to be heard in district court on Tuesday, May 11, 2021.

Reports of Mayor and Council Committees Mayor Droba noted that the City Administrator Application Committee met today to review the 16 applications received for the City Administrator job opening.  Mayor Droba stated that two applicants have been selected for interviews to be held on May 12, 2021.
ADJOURNMENT Mayor Droba reminded everyone that the next regular meeting is scheduled for Monday, May 17, 2021 at 5:30 P.M. and adjourned the meeting at 6:16 P.M.

Harley M. Droba, Mayor


Betty Bergstrom, Interim City Administrator

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