August 16, 2021 City Council Minutes

A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of International Falls, Minnesota was held in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building on the 16th day of August, 2021 at the hour of 5:30 P.M.


MEMBERS PRESENT:       Councilors Ditsch, Holden, Krause, and Mayor Droba.

                                                Councilor Buller, media and public via BlueJeans Conferencing.  All members noted they could hear the others and the discussion.

MEMBERS ABSENT:         None.


APPROVED agenda MOTION by Councilor Holden to approve the agenda.  Motion seconded by Councilor Krause and carried unanimously.
APPROVED minutes of the August 2, 2021 regular City Council meeting MOTION by Councilor Ditsch to approve minutes of the August 2, 2021 regular City Council meeting.  Motion seconded by Councilor Ditsch.  Motion carried 4-0-1 with Councilors Buller, Ditsch, Holden and Mayor Droba voting ‘yea’ and Councilor Krause abstaining.
ADOPTED Resolution No. 54-2021 approving transfers, payment of claims, and accounts payable MOTION by Councilor Krause to adopt Resolution No. 54-2021 approving transfers, payment of claims and accounts payable for the second monthly City Council meeting.  Motion seconded by Councilor Buller and carried unanimously.


A. W. Kuettel & Sons, Inc Vactor Garage Upgrades     3,200.00 71595
A+ Pest Management Pest Control        755.00 71596
Acme Tools – Grand Forks Maintenance Equip – Parks & Rec          70.00 71597
Adam Mannausau CAT Team Training          70.00 71598
Adam McIntyre Painting Smokey Bear, Light Poles   38,735.00 71599
Alex Air Apparatus Inc Hose/Nozzles/Fittings     1,298.32 71600
Align Chiro & Wellness Center Pre-Employment Physical J Ballejo          95.00 71601
All Season Equipment Inc Maintenance & Repair – Park/Rec          44.99 71602
Amazon Capital Services Supplies – IT/Ambulance/Police        401.62 71603
Andrew Holler Lawn Cleanup/Wage Assignment        420.00 71604
Aramark Uniform & Career App Cleaning Service     1,019.00 71605
ATCO International Supplies – Street Lighting/Garage        366.77 71606
Ben Mortenson CAT Team Training          70.00 71607
Bolton & Menk Inc Asset Mgmt/Cap. Improve Plan – Wtr Plnt     2,597.50 71608
Border Boxes Shipping – Water Plant        126.00 71609
Bound Tree Medical LLC Ambulance Supplies     1,109.27 71610
Bowman Asphalt Products Inc Pay Est. 2 2021 Local Street Improve 239,281.25 71611
Brian Jespersen Police Benefit        150.00 71612
Brian Youso Police Benefit        150.00 71613
BW Distributing Maintenance & Repair Equip – Ambulance          67.99 71614
City of Int’l Falls – Fund 401 Water Funds Transfer   66,666.66 71615
City of Int’l Falls – Fund 403 Water Funds Transfer   25,760.42 71616
City of Ranier Water – City Beach        208.99 71617
CMS Medicare Ambulance Overpayment Refund        699.90 71618
Coca-Cola Bottling Co Water for Dispenser          19.60 71620
Core & Main Parts/Tools – Water/Sanitary Sewer   22,834.03 71621
Crandall’s Septic Pumping Portable Johns – City Parks     4,155.00 71622
Earl F Andersen Supplies – Street/Grounds/Park & Rec        896.85 71623
Emergency Apparatus Maint Inc Inspect-Engine 2/0402/Rural 1/Rural 11/L-2     7,502.87 71624
Erik Drewes MN Pesticide Training Workshop        155.00 71625
Expert Billing LLC Ambulance Transports     3,741.00 71626
Flaherty & Hood, PA Job Class & Compensation Study     1,413.75 71627
Friend’s Garbage Service LLC Monthly Garbage Service     2,039.31 71628
Frontier Monthly Telephone Service     2,660.37 71629
Gopher State One – Call Monthly Billing        321.30 71630
Graybar Electrical/Sanitary Sewer Supplies        447.02 71631
I-Falls Super One Foods National Night Out – Police     1,197.66 71647
Innovative Office Solutions LLC Supplies – Admin/Police/Bldg Off        607.66 71632
Josh Mastin Travel & Training          35.00 71633
Justin Franz National Night Out Expenses        196.22 71634
Kiesler Police Supply Mossberg Shotgun 12 GA        484.83 71635
Koerter’s Amoco Gas-Str/Gar/Str Lght/P&R/Fire/W. Plnt/Sew     2,483.99 71636
Kooch Co Env Services Dept. Demolition        156.00 71637
L & S Electric Inc Vibration Analysis – Pumps Water Plant        950.00 71638
Locators & Supplies Electrical Supplies        793.95 71639
Mark Rock & Concrete Crusher Fines     1,880.00 71640
McCoy Const. & Forestry Inc John Deere 180G        885.00 71641
Menards International Falls Sup/M&R-P&R/San/Str Lght/Fire/Grnd/Gar        412.11 71642
Meyers Glass Door Repair – Fire     1,221.23 71643
Michael Musich Police Benefit        150.00 71644
Michael Wallace Travel Expense – Sanitary Sewer        140.00 71645
Midcontinent Communications Internet – Water Plant        230.00 71646
Minnesota Child Support ID 0014487664, Locator Code 27          30.00 71648
Minnesota Dept. of Health Class D Cert – Hilfer/Mostad/S. Kelly          96.00 71649
Minnesota Energy Resources Utilities        518.99 71650
Minnesota Power Utilities   25,944.96 71651
MN Pollution Control Agency SD Collection System Operator – B Kelly          55.00 71652
N Kooch Area Sanitary District Effluent/Backwash/Surcharge   74,490.77 71653
NAPA Falls Supply Parts/Supplies – Street/Fire        135.66 71654
Northern Lumber & Hardware Maint/Tools/Sup-Str/Fire/Elec/Parks/Wtr        465.49 71655
Office of MNIT Services Wide Area Network(Wan) Services        267.73 71656
O’Reilly Automotive Inc Parts/Lube/Sup-Gar/Grnds/Fire/Str/Wtr/Pol        896.71 71657
Pelland Welding, Inc. Supplies/Parts/Tools – Garage/VNP/San Sew        584.26 71658
Praxair Distribution Inc Oxygen – Ambulance     1,002.60 71659
Precise MRM LLC Field Service Installation     1,500.00 71660
Rainy Lake Houseboats Inc Fuel for Fireboat        348.66 71661
Rainy Lake Medical Center Medical/Pharmaceutical Supplies        844.56 71662
Range Paper Corp Cleaning Supplies – Ambulance/VNP/Garage     1,538.83 71663
Scalzo Architects 2129 – Vactor Garage        438.75 71664
Schlenner Wenner & Co Additional Audit Work 2020        425.00 71665
ServiceMaster of Intl Falls Cleaning Services – VNP     3,500.00 71666
Sjoblom Landscape & Nursery Trees/Labor     5,949.99 71667
Soundnorth Supplies – IT          34.98 71668
Streicher’s Inc Clothing Allowance – Hulst/Olson        544.88 71669
Ted Brokaw Travel Expense – Sanitary Sewer        924.84 71670
Terry Christie Police Benefit        150.00 71671
Terry Wood Police Benefit        150.00 71672
Tom Lynch Police Benefit        150.00 71673
Top That! By Loni Smokey Bear Maintenance        225.00 71674
UHL Company Inc Bldg Maint – City Hall/VNP     3,242.15 71675
Up North Builders City Hall Bath/Wall Repair/Bldg Off Door     3,847.72 71676
Viking Electric Supply Inc M&R/Sup – St Lighting/San Sew/W. Plant     1,619.83 71677
Viking Industrial Center Supplies – Water Dept.        206.12 71678
Widseth Engineering Services 112,219.32 71679
Willi Kostiuk Police Benefit        150.00 71680
Xerox Corporation Maint/Monthly Charge – Water Plant          46.93 71681
  The following checks were issued under blanket authorization:
AFLAC Supplemental Insurance 204.58 101069
AllState – American Heritage Supplemental Insurance 9.64 101070
Bremer Bank NA Federal Withholding 40,745.84 101071
I.U.O.E. Local Central Pen Fund Retirement 4,035.30 101072
City of Int’l Falls HRA – Police/Fire 572.00 101073
City of Int’l Falls Health Insurance – 49ers 404.00 101074
IAMAW District W33 Union Dues 1,657.00 101075
IF Fire Dept. Relief Volunteer Firemen Dues 308.00 101076
Intl Falls Ambulance Service Dues 161.00 101077
I.U.O.E. Local 49ers Health Reimbursement 840.00 101078
Justin Franz, Sec/Treas C.O.P.S 120.00 101079
MN Child Support Pmt Center Wage Assignment 614.39 101080
MN Department of Revenue State Withholding 7,367.64 101081
Empower Retirement Deferred Comp 8,743.00 101082
PERA Life Insurance 112.00 101083
North Kooch Area Sanitary Dist Health Insurance 425.00 101084
PERA Retirement 31,555.87 101085



APPROVED Second and Final reading of Ordinance No. 44, 5th Series amending Ordinance 26, 5th Series to correct the legal description of the land being annexed to the City of International Falls

MOTION by Councilor Ditsch to approve the second and final reading of Ordinance No. 44, 5th Series amending Ordinance 26, 5th Series to correct the legal description of the land being annexed to the City of International Falls.  Motion seconded by Councilor Holden and carried unanimously.

APPROVED supporting the application to MNDOT requesting road closure for the “Home for the Holidays” Parade, use of Smokey Bear Park, and fireworks

Robert and Andrea Pastor, Rainy Lake Medical Center, presented information regarding the annual “Home for the Holidays” parade scheduled for Friday, November 26, 2021.  Ms. Pastor noted that the intention is to make the celebration bigger and better than years past, with $5,000 donated towards the cost of fireworks, and there is a possibility they may have reindeer at the event.  Ms. Pastor said that approval for the road closure and use of the park is necessary before additional plans are made for the event.  Ms. Pastor requested that the City address the ability for the event to have a bonfire in Smokey Bear Park, as ordinances previously prohibited fires in City parks.  The City Council noted it would ensure there was a way for the group to have a bonfire as a part of the event.

MOTION by Councilor Krause to approve supporting the application to MNDOT requesting road closure for the “Home for the Holidays” Parade scheduled to begin at 6:00 P.M. on Friday, November 26, 2021, as well as authorize use of Smokey Bear Park, and approve fireworks.  Motion seconded by Councilor Buller and carried unanimously.

Acknowledged promotion to Sergeant position, as presented by Chief Kostiuk Chief Kostiuk announced the promotion of Officer Scott Wherley to Sergeant effective August 17, 2021, as a result of Sergeant Lessard’s promotion to Police Captain.  Chief Kostiuk noted that Officer Wherley comes with extensive experience including serving 14-years in Beltrami County law enforcement and 5-years working as a Koochiching County Child Protective Services (CPS) Social Worker.
APPROVED Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Entitlement Grant No.

3-27-0043-037-21 for Federal Fiscal Year 2021

MOTION by Councilor Buller to approve the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Entitlement Grant No.

3-27-0043-037-21 for Federal Fiscal Year 2021 in the amount of $1,061,251.00.  Motion seconded by Councilor Holden and carried unanimously.




APPROVED request to replace 2011 Tandem Dump Truck It was noted that the City’s 2011 Tandem Dump Truck was rear-ended and damaged beyond repair; therefore, the Public Works Department is looking to replace the truck.  The quote from Nuss Truck & Equipment for a replacement truck was in the amount of $143,869.00 plus taxes and applicable fees.

MOTION by Councilor Buller to approve the request to replace the 2011 Tandem Dump Truck that was damaged.  Motion seconded by Councilor Ditsch and carried unanimously.

APPROVED purchase of Zamboni batteries Councilor Buller explained that the current Zamboni batteries will likely not last through the end of the season; therefore, it is important to purchase them now.  Councilor Buller stated that per the contracts with the Recreation Commission and Recreation Hockey, the City owns the Zamboni and is responsible for maintenance to the Zamboni.  Councilor Buller noted that the City will pay half of the cost of the batteries, with Recreation Hockey covering a percentage and the Recreation Commission covering the remainder.

MOTION by Councilor Buller to approve the purchase of Zamboni batteries, payable from the Parks and Recreation Fund 211.  Motion seconded by Councilor Holden and carried unanimously.

ADOPTED Resolution No. 55-2021 approving application for exempt permit for International Falls Figure Skating Club to conduct a raffle, with the drawing to be held on March 27, 2022 at Bronco Arena MOTION by Councilor Holden to adopt Resolution No. 55-2021 approving application for exempt permit for the International Falls Figure Skating Club to conduct a raffle, with the drawing to be held on March 27, 2022 at Bronco Arena, 1515 11th Street.  Motion seconded by Councilor Krause and carried unanimously.
APPROVED Resolution No. 56­-2021 approving application for exempt permit for Bucks Safety Process, Inc., to conduct a raffle on November 16, 2021 at PCA, 400 2nd Street MOTION by Councilor Ditsch approving Resolution No. 56-2021 approving application for exempt permit for Bucks Safety Process, Inc., to conduct a raffle on November 16, 2021, at PCA, 400 2nd Street.  Motion seconded by Councilor Krause and carried unanimously.
Public Works Committee recommendation:  
a.      APPROVED authorizing the Public Works Director to request quotes for the Vactor garage plumbing upgrades MOTION by Councilor Buller to approve authorizing the Public Works Director to request quotes for the Vactor garage plumbing upgrades.  Motion seconded by Councilor Holden and carried unanimously.
Committee-of-the-Whole committee recommendation  
a.      Consider Vacant Building Registration Application and fee schedule It was noted that the purpose of vacant building registrations is to obtain contact information for those maintaining vacant homes and discourage people from keeping vacant buildings.  The fee will help encourage property owners to either improve their vacant buildings, sell the properties, or tear down uninhabitable structures.

MOTION by Councilor Holden to approve the Vacant Building Registration Application and fee schedule.  Motion seconded by Councilor Buller and carried unanimously.

Human Resource committee recommendation  
a.      Appointment of a Human Resources/Safety Director for the City of International Falls City Administrator Bergstrom noted that the top four (4) candidates were interviewed and ranked based on a point system.  Administrator Bergstrom noted that the top scoring candidate was offered the position, but declined; therefore, the second-highest ranking candidate was offered the position and accepted.


MOTION by Councilor Holden to approve the salary and benefit package for the Human Resources/Safety Director position.  Motion seconded by Councilor Ditsch and carried unanimously.

MOTION by Councilor Ditsch to approve hiring Sherri Stensland as the Human Resources-Safety Director, with an anticipated start date of September 13, 2021.  Motion seconded by Councilor Holden and carried unanimously.

Consider request to hire a paid on-call EMT-B, as presented by Chief Adam Mannausau MOTION by Councilor Krause to approve request by Fire Chief Mannausau to hire Frederick Friesen as a paid on-call EMT-B.  Motion seconded by Councilor Holden and carried unanimously.

Chief Mannausau noted he is awaiting the Emergency Medical Services Regulatory Board (EMSRB) to approve the International Falls Fire/Rescue/EMS to conduct educational courses that would allow the City of International Falls to hold its own EMT classes.  Chief Mannausau hopes for this to be approved in order to hold EMT classes this fall.


Reports of the Administrator, Attorney, and Department Heads

City Attorney Shermoen reported on the pending criminal blight cases.  Mr. Shermoen stated that the implementation of the administrative citation has encouraged corrective active by property owners in order to avoid criminal charges.  City Attorney Shermoen referenced Friend’s Recycling, noting that while some progress has been made on the Highway 53 property, they have not come into compliance with many of the items addressed in their signed agreement with the City.

Mayor Droba shared his frustration that some people are purposely violating and circumventing City policies and procedures and inquired as to what the recourse the City has when violations are not blight related.  City Attorney Shermoen noted that most violations of the City’s Code of Ordinances constitute misdemeanors.

Reports of Mayor and Council Committees Mayor Droba shared that the Kerry Park Rehabilitation project is moving forward with the City working with both Widseth and Kraus-Anderson to determine project costs and funding sources.  Mayor Droba noted that the City is not interested in an additional sales tax to fund this project, but is considering state bonding as a funding source.  Mayor Droba noted that in order to obtain state bonding funds it almost always requires hiring a lobbyist to ensure the votes from state legislators to pass the funding.

Councilor Buller thanked the City for its co-sponsorship of the International Falls Bass Championship being held August 26-28, 2021.

ADJOURNMENT Mayor Droba shared that the next regular City Council meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 7, 2021 at 5:30 P.M.  The Mayor adjourned the meeting at 6:31 P.M.

Harley M. Droba, Mayor


Betty Bergstrom, City Administrator

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