June 13, 2022 Special City Council Meeting Agenda


City of International Falls – Special City Council Meeting
4:00 P.M., Monday, June 13, 2022
Council Chambers, Municipal Building, 600 Fourth Street


Remote access has been set up for this meeting.

Joining by computer:

  1. Go to the URL: https://zoom.us/j/5664912345
  2. Follow on-screen instructions
  3. Passcode:  56649

Joining by Smart Phone app:

  1. Install the Zoom app for Android or iPhone.
  2. Start the app.
  3. Enter the meeting ID: 5664912345
  4. Enter passcode: 56649
Joining by landline or mobile phone:

  1. Dial in to the following number: 1.408.638.0968
  2. When prompted, enter the following meeting ID: 5664912345 or just press #.  Passcode 56649.

When you join the conference, you will be automatically muted.

·         To un-mute yourself, press “*6” (star 6)

·         To mute yourself, press “*6” (star 6)



  1. Second reading and approval of Contract Ordinance #977 for the 2022 Sanitary Sewer Realignment-Crescent Drive Project (Council Action – motion)
  2. Approve accounts payable for the Dent Shop – $16,694.35, 2022 Dodge Ram repairs (Council action-motion)


The City of International Falls complies with the Americans with Disability Act.  Individuals with disabilities requiring special aids should contact the City Administrator, 600 Fourth Street, International Falls, MN, 56649, 218-283-9484, at least 48 hours prior to the scheduled meeting. 

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