A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of International Falls, Minnesota was held in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building on the 17th day of July 2023 at the hour of 5:30 P.M.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Droba and Councilors Buller, Holden, and Kalar
MEMBERS ABSENT: Councilor Wegner
APPROVED agenda with additions as presented | MOTION by Councilor Kalar to approve agenda with the following additions:
1. Approve/allow necessary expenses for City Council and/or Department Heads to attend the Coalition of Greater Minnesota Cities (CGMC) 2023 Summer Conference in Thief River Falls July 26-28 (Council action) 2. Consider License Agreement with Hasbargen Customs LLC for non-exclusive use of “ICEBOX OF THE NATION” trademark (Council action) Motion seconded by Councilor Buller and carried unanimously. |
APPROVED minutes of the Monday, July 3, 2023 Public Hearing meeting | MOTION by Councilor Buller approving minutes of the July 3, 2023 Public Hearing meeting. Motion seconded by Councilor Holden and carried unanimously. |
APPROVED minutes of the Monday, July 3, 2023 regular City Council meeting | MOTION by Councilor Kalar approving minutes of the Monday, July 3, 2023 regular City Council meeting. Motion seconded by Councilor Holden and carried unanimously. |
APPROVED minutes of the Monday, July 10, 2023 Committee-of-the-Whole meeting | MOTION by Councilor Buller approving minutes of the Monday, July 10, 2023 Committee-of-the-Whole meeting. Motion seconded by Councilor Kalar and carried unanimously. |
ADOPTED Resolution No. 51-2023 approving transfers, payment of claims, and accounts payable | MOTION by Councilor Holden to adopt Resolution No. 51-2023 approving transfers, payment of claims and accounts payable for the second monthly City Council meeting. Motion seconded by Councilor Buller and carried unanimously. |
75F, INC | Cloud License & Mobile App |
95.00 |
76295 |
A Plus Pest Management | Pest Control | 703.54 | 76296 |
ACME Tools-Grand Forks | Tools-Parks & Rec | 349.00 | 76297 |
All Season Equipment Inc | Supplies-Street Dept | 29.98 | 76298 |
Amazon Capital Services | Sup-Pol/Fire/Amb/IT, Cloth-J. Mastin | 390.84 | 76299 |
Andrew Holler | Lawn Cleanup | 1,124.00 | 76300 |
Aqua -Pure Inc | Quarterly Service | 1,000.00 | 76301 |
Aramark Uniform & Career Apparel | Cleaning Services | 1,499.72 | 76302 |
Bear’s Port Town Tire | Tires-Police | 1,529.48 | 76303 |
Bert’s | 2023 Chev 2500 #2207/#6470 | 38,418.00 | 76304 |
Bolton & Menk Inc | Engineering Services | 40,189.95 | 76305 |
Border Boxes | Shipping-Water Plant | 80.00 | 76306 |
Bound Tree Medical LLC | Ambulance Supplies | 3,515.08 | 76307 |
Brian Jespersen | Police Benefit | 150.00 | 76308 |
Brian Youso | Police Benefit | 150.00 | 76309 |
Capture Your Moment Photography | Council Members Photos | 240.00 | 76310 |
Cenex Voyaguer Fleet | Gas-Grnd/Pol/St/Hous/P&R/Amb/VNP | 6,289.98 | 76311 |
CherryRoad Media Inc. | Council Mtg Dates/Minutes/Eng. Ads | 959.90 | 76312 |
Citizens for Backus/AB | Lease Agreement-Suite 305 | 6,244.76 | 76313 |
City of Int’l Falls-Fund 401 | Water/Sewer Funds Transfer | 66,666.66 | 76314 |
City of Int’l Falls-Fund 403 | Water/Sewer Funds Transfer | 20,567.25 | 76315 |
City of Ranier | Water-City Beach |
57.96 |
76316 |
Civic Systems LLC | Semi Annual Software Support | 9,787.00 | 76317 |
Core & Main | Supplies-Water Dept/Meters | 2,412.20 | 76318 |
Costin Group Inc | Govt Relations |
2,000.00 |
76319 |
County Market #574 | July 4th-Ambulance/Fire | 118.56 | 76364 |
Crandall’s Septic Pumping | Portable Johns – City Parks | 5,655.00 | 76320 |
Department of Employment | Benefit Payment-Admin | 2,478.00 | 76321 |
Earl F Andersen | Brack-ITS | 360.45 | 76322 |
Enterprise FM Trust | VNP-2023 Chev/ST-2022 Chev/Ram | 8,377.88 | 76323 |
ESS Brothers & Sons Inc | Supplies-Storm/Sanitary | 688.00 | 76324 |
Expert Billing LLC | Amb Transports | 3,567.00 | 76325 |
Falls Lumber Company | Sup-Storm/Maint & Repair/Street | 138.71 | 76326 |
Flaherty & Hood, PA | Labor/Employment Consultation | 145.00 | 76327 |
Forestland Sales & Service | Parts-Water Plant, Sup/Park & Rec | 129.44 | 76328 |
Friend’s Garbage Service LLC | Monthly Garbage Service | 1,834.26 | 76329 |
Frontier | Monthly Telephone Service | 3,302.09 | 76330 |
Galls, an Aramark Co., LLC | Cloth-Kastin/Amb/Mannausau/Baldwin | 1,513.05 | 76334 |
Glass Doctor | Unit 15-06 Ambulance | 85.00 | 76335 |
Gopher State One-Call | Monthly Billing | 224.10 | 76336 |
Harley Droba | LMC Conference | 737.81 | 76337 |
Hawkins Inc | Chemicals | 2,619.76 | 76338 |
Hook & Book/Roche’s Towing | Towing-Housing | 375.00 | 76339 |
Industrial Health SV NTWK Inc | Mandated US DOT Regulations | 191.60 | 76340 |
Innovative Office Solutions LLC | Sup-Admin/Wtr/Housng/Bldg Off | 2,376.17 | 76341 |
J & J Contracting LLC | Pay Application #1-Flood/City Beach | 78,945.00 | 76342 |
John P Maclean | Meal Allowance | 54.00 | 76343 |
Keller Fence Company-North Inc | City Beach Fence Repairs | 4,084.00 | 76344 |
KGHS/KSDM | City Talk | 150.00 | 76345 |
Koerter’s Fuel & Car Wash | Gas-Str/Grnds/Pol/Gar/Wtr/Sewer | 5,223.76 | 76346 |
Kooch County Auditor/Treasurer | Quarterly Bill-LEC ProRated | 12,500.00 | 76349 |
Laursen Asphalt Repair Equip LLC | Igniter Kit | 269.37 | 76350 |
Lawson Products Inc | Supplies-Electrical | 204.53 | 76351 |
League of Minnesota Cities | Conf Registration-Droba | 250.00 | 76352 |
Linde Gas & Equipment Inc. | Oxygen-Ambulance | 1,285.47 | 76353 |
Locators & Supplies | Marking Supplies | 1,158.45 | 76354 |
LVC Inc | Annual Fire Extinguisher Servicing | 627.10 | 76355 |
Macqueen Equipment Inc | Parts-Street/Sweeper | 4,524.40 | 76356 |
Madden Galanter Hansen LLP | Labor Relation Svcs/Arb & Adm | 5,478.02 | 76357 |
Mannco Trucking Inc | Unit 151-Parts/Maint & Repair/Wtr | 750.47 | 76358 |
Mark Rock Products | 3/4” Minus | 4,988.10 | 76359 |
Melanie Clarity | Sewing-Ambulance | 40.00 | 76360 |
Menards International Falls | Supplies-St/Wtr/Swr/Amb/Fire/P&R | 1,499.04 | 76361 |
Michael Musich | Police Benefit | 150.00 | 76362 |
Midcontinent Communications | Cable/Amb-Internet/Pol/Water | 378.75 | 76363 |
Minnesota Energy Resources | Utilities | 1,255.30 | 76365 |
Minnesota Industries | Supplies-Storm | 161.09 | 76366 |
Minnesota Power | Utilities | 33,755.03 | 76367 |
Minnesota Pump Works | Sanitary Sewer Maint | 1,184.00 | 76368 |
Morrison Seal Coating | Basketball Court Carson Lupie | 2,950.00 | 76369 |
N Koochiching Area Sanitary District | Effluent/Backwash/Surcharge | 86,392.85 | 76370 |
NAPA Falls Supply | Sup/St-Parts/Sweep-Tools/Wtr | 395.50 | 76371 |
Nick Kittelson | Meal Allowance | 54.00 | 76372 |
Northern Lights Display | Flags | 3,949.00 | 76373 |
Northern Lumber & Hardware | Sup-St/Elect/Pk&Rec, Tools-St/Sewer | 1,831.55 | 76374 |
O’Reilly Automotive Inc | Parts & Sup-Grds/Amb/Str/Fire/Pol | 1,479.03 | 76375 |
Pelland Welding, Inc | Sup-Street/VNP/Garage | 945.34 | 76376 |
Rainy Lake Designs | Landscaping | 600.00 | 76377 |
Range Paper Corp | Sup-Amb/Fire/Str/Grnd & Bldg | 2,637.61 | 76378 |
ServiceMaster of Intl Falls | Cleaning Services-VNP | 4,725.00 | 76379 |
Sjoblom Landscape & Nursery | Fertilizer/Straw Blanket | 146.97 | 76380 |
Tactical Solutions | Certifications-Prof Services | 358.00 | 76381 |
Ted Brokaw | LMC Annual Conference- Travel/Train | 442.63 | 76382 |
Terry Christie | Police Benefit | 150.00 | 76383 |
Terry Wood | Police Benefit | 150.00 | 76384 |
TK Elevator Corp | Water Plant Elevator Maint | 798.05 | 76385 |
Tom Lynch | Police Benefit | 150.00 | 76386 |
UHL Company Inc | Bldg Maint-Cty Hall/VNP/Lib/Dg Pnd | 6,154.27 | 76387 |
US Bank | Go Bond Interest | 38,887.50 | 76388 |
Viking Industrial Center | Maint & Repair Other-Water Plant | 110.44 | 76389 |
Wagner Construction Inc | Pay Application #1 | 121,637.24 | 76390 |
Water Conservation Services Inc | Water Leak Survey | 4,800.00 | 76391 |
Willi Kostiuk | Police Benefit | 150.00 | 76392 |
Xerox Corporation | Maint/Monthly Charge-Water Plant | 38.11 | 76393 |
The following checks were issued under blanket authorization: | |||
AFLAC | Supplemental Insurance | 182.08 | 101855 |
American Heritage Life Ins Co | Supplemental Insurance | 9.64 | 101856 |
Bay Bridge Administrators, LLC | Supplemental Insurance | 364.30 | 101857 |
Bremer Bank, NA | Federal Withholding | 46,894.43 | 101858 |
Central Pension Fund Source A | Retirement | 4,526.30 | 101859 |
City of Int’l Falls | HRA–Police/Fire | 520.00 | 101860 |
City of Int’l Falls | Health Insurance–49ers | 1,729.00 | 101861 |
IAMAW District W3 | Union Dues | 1,845.50 | 101862 |
IF Fire Dept Relief | Fire Department Relief | 406.00 | 101863 |
Int’l Falls Ambulance Service | Dues | 168.00 | 101864 |
I.U.O.E. Local 49ers | Health Reimbursement | 875.00 | 101865 |
Justin Franz, Sec/Treas. | C.O.P.S. | 120.00 | 101866 |
MN Child Support Payment Center | Wage Assignment | 673.72 | 101867 |
MN Department of Revenue | State Withholding | 8,787.30 | 101868 |
MSRS-Empower Retirement | Deferred Compensation | 8,050.00 | 101869 |
NCPERS Minnesota | Life Insurance Premiums | 112.00 | 101870 |
N. Kooch Area Sanitary District | Health Insurance Premiums | 285.00 | 101871 |
PERA | Retirement | 37,919.41 | 101872 |
RCB Collections, Inc. | Wage Assignment | 128.79 | 101873 |
United Way of NE MN Inc. | Employee Donation | 15.00 | 101874 |
AUDIENCE | None. |
APPROVED as presented |
MOTION by Councilor Buller to approve the Consent Agenda as presented:
Motion seconded by Councilor Kalar and carried unanimously. |
ADOPTED Resolution No. 52-2023 approving application and permit for a 1 day to 4 day temporary on-sale liquor license for Koochiching County Food Access | MOTION by Councilor Kalar to adopt Resolution No. 52-2023 approving application and permit for a 1 day to 4 day temporary on-sale liquor license for Koochiching County Food Access for fundraiser to be held on Thursday, September 14, 2023 at 1525 2nd Ave West. Motion seconded by Councilor Buller and carried unanimously. |
ADOPTED Resolution No. 53-2023 approving application and permit for a 1 day to 4 day temporary on-sale liquor license for BPO Elks 1599 International Falls | MOTION by Councilor Holden to adopt Resolution No. 53-2023 approving application and permit for a 1 day to 4 day temporary on-sale liquor license for BPO Elks 1599 International Falls for their annual Corn and Brat feed to be held on Friday, August 18, 2023 at 215 3rd Street. Motion seconded by Councilor Kalar and carried unanimously. |
ADOPTED Resolution No. 54-2023 approving application for exempt permit for International Falls Education Foundation to conduct a raffle | MOTION by Councilor Holden to adopt Resolution No. 54-2023 approving application for exempt permit for International Falls Education Foundation to conduct a raffle with the drawing to be held on January 4, 2024. Motion seconded by Councilor Buller and carried unanimously. |
APPROVED Order of Removal or Repair of the hazardous building located at 1101 9th Street and authorize signatures | City Administrator Bergstrom stated City Attorney Nelson worked with Fire Marshal Baldwin to put the order together for the removal or repair of the hazardous building located at 1101 9th street.
MOTION by Councilor Buller approving Order of Removal or Repair of the hazardous building located at 1101 9th Street and authorize signatures. Motion seconded by Councilor Kalar and carried unanimously. |
APPROVED hiring three part-time EMT’s | MOTION by Councilor Holden approving hiring of three part-time EMT’s.
Motion seconded by Councilor Buller and carried unanimously. |
Committee-of-the-Whole recommendation:
1. APPROVED Performance Review Policy |
MOTION by Councilor Buller approving performance review policy. Motion seconded by Councilor Holden and carried unanimously. |
2. APPROVED Parks & Facilities Maintenance Worker job description and posting |
MOTION by Councilor Holden approving Parks & Facilities Maintenance Worker job description and posting. Motion seconded by Councilor Kalar and carried unanimously. |
3. APPROVED not moving forward with the 2nd Reading on the Municipal Garbage Ordinance that passed its 1st Reading on June 5, 2023 |
Mayor Droba stated he met with Councilor Wegner to discuss concerns that were noted during the Public Meeting on Municipal Garbage. After discussion they determined that with a few changes to the ordinance they could meet the concerns of the community. Mayor Droba noted there were still concerns with recycling.
MOTION by Councilor Holden to not move forward with the 2nd Reading on the Municipal Garbage Ordinance that passed its 1st Reading on June 5, 2023. Motion seconded by Councilor Buller and carried unanimously. |
APPROVED necessary expenses for City Council and/or Department Heads to attend the Coalition of Greater Minnesota Cities (CGMC) 2023 Summer Conference | MOTION by Councilor Kalar approving necessary expenses for City Council and/or Department Heads to attend the Coalition of Greater Minnesota Cities (CGMC) 2023 Summer Conference in Thief River Falls July 26-28. Motion seconded by Councilor Buller and carried unanimously. |
APPROVED License Agreement with Hasbargen Customs LLC for non-exclusive use of “ICEBOX OF THE NATION” trademark | City Administrator Bergstrom stated she was approached by Kyra Hasbargen requesting use of the ‘Icebox of the Nation’ trademark.
MOTION by Councilor Buller approving License Agreement with Hasbargen Customs LLC for non-exclusive use of “ICEBOX OF THE NATION” trademark for three years. Motion seconded by Councilor Holden and carried unanimously. |
Reports of the Administrator, Attorney, and Department Heads | The International Falls Police Department Activity Report for June 2023 was available for review along with the June 2023 Fire/Rescue/EMS Activity Report. |
Reports of Mayor and Council Committees | Councilor Holden thanked the Police department for their involvement at the Purple Pride fish fry.
Mayor Droba personally thanked the Police department, Fire/EMS, Public Works, and summer staff for all their hard work on the 4th of July celebration. Droba stated the 4th of July commission would be seeking additional funding and volunteers. |
AUDIENCE | Crystal Clance asked if anything was in place for residents that had blight issues and no garbage service. Mayor Droba stated at this time nothing was in place, but that is the goal of the council. |
ADJOURNMENT | Mayor Droba reminded everyone that the next regular City Council meeting will be held on Monday, August 7, 2023, at 5:30 P.M. in the City Council Chambers. Mayor Droba adjourned the meeting at 6:02 P.M. |
Harley M. Droba, Mayor
Betty Bergstrom, City Administrator